Really excited to announce I will be shooting the BFI 2021 in Guthrie, Oklahoma!
About a year ago I reached out and asked Chelsea (Team Ropers Journal) a couple questions about a team roping I was shooting here in Colorado and she suggested that I reach out to Olie Moss of Olie's Images. Doing this is a little nerve wracking as often times other photographers in this industry are not too excited to share their insight, but Chelsea assured me I wouldn't be sorry. Over the next couple days I built up my courage and finally reached out to Olie and much to my surprise and great relief, he responded - not only answering my questions but gave me even more information and really helped me out. I was really happy when he asked me to assist in shooting the Patriot for him in 2020 where I learned even more.
Team roping isn't new to me, I use to rope in California years ago before moving to Colorado. A lot of the ropers became family and still are. I'm hoping to see and visit with some of them in Guthrie!
Being given this opportunity to photograph the BFI is a true blessing and I'm really excited. I plan to take a lot of what I've learned from Olie and carry it over and incorporate it into my own artistic style. We will be printing up to 8x10's there at the roping, you can swing in and order digital images and prints, be sure to check out our event specials and we'll help you see to it that you can post how you did as quickly as possible. Dani, Brandon, Kendra and Wendy will be in the booth to help you out while I'll be down at the arena capturing all the action, feel free to stop by and say hello!