What a fun show this was to be a part of! Four days of reining, some amazing talent and some great runs! It was so wonderful to meet so many new people who made us feel very much welcome at this show. We appreciate all the encouragement, kind words, requests that we come back - we'd love to be a part of the next ones!
For me, these shows are all about the horses. I'm looking for moments to capture to write stories. Write stories with images. And this show did not let me down. I'm starting to offer some new products (seen above and below here) and I was wanting to capture some images that really hit home for me. To all the competitors who came in to make this the best show ever, thank you! I walked away smiling even though we were exhausted.

And being that I'm a total Yellowstone fan, I'd have to admit I was a little bit excited about having some of the crew here as well!